Eight Ways to Create Happiness

Happiness often feels elusive to so many people. We are constantly being bombarded by negativity- on the news, on social media, and maybe even in our relationships. But happiness is something that we have the power to create for ourselves, regardless of what’s going on around us.

Creating your own happiness isn’t always easy. Your behavior and your mindset are both within your control. However, choosing to show up for yourself in a positive manner will affect your mood, your outlook, and ultimately, your happiness.

If you’re ready to take charge of your happiness, or need some help along the way, here are a few suggestions that I find helpful in my own life. Read through them, try some out, and let me know in the comments which you find most helpful- or if you’d add anything to the list!

gratitude journal

Practice Gratitude

People who practice gratitude have increased self-esteem, better health, improved relationships, and are able to deal with adversity. It’s easy to start your own gratitude practice. Try keeping a gratitude journal, and write down 5-10 things each day that you are grateful for. Practice paying attention to small moments throughout your day, and be grateful for them- things such as getting a good night’s sleep, finding the perfect parking space, or even a warm cup of tea on a cold day. Write a letter to someone who has done something nice for you and thank them. Or create a gratitude jar, and write fill it with notes of gratitude you experience through the year- at the end of the year spend some time reviewing all the things you were grateful for.


Exercise is well known to increase one’s physical health, improve one’s body composition, and reduce the risk of disease. But did you know exercise can also improve one’s mental health? Regular exercise can improve your mood, decrease depression and anxiety, and increase your overall satifaction in life.

The key to getting regular exercise is twofold. First- make sure to schedule time for exercise. Get up earlier, make it a standing appointment on your calendar, or do it with a friend- whatever it takes to make it a habit. The second is to find something you enjoy doing. If you hate running, try pilates or weight training. There are options out there- find the one that works for you and as you see the positive changes over time, it’s likely you’ll increase the desire to continue, improve, and maybe even try new ways of exercising. Whatever you do, just get out there and do it!

Get Some Sleep

It’s likely you’ve experienced what a poor night’s sleep can do to your mood, your focus, and your anxiety levels. There are many studies that have shown that lack of sleep can have a negative effect on mood and performance. Naturally, the easiest way to turn that around is to ensure a good night’s rest.

If good sleep is a struggle for you, there are a few ways you can improve it. Make sure you keep your caffeine, social media, and device use in check, particularly in the afternoon and evening. Check out my blog here for more great tips on getting a good night’s sleep!

a forest in winter with snow

Eat Well

While many people think that eating junk food may have a soothing effect, if anything, it’s short-lived. Recent studies have shown that eating less processed foods, and more whole foods, can have a positive effect on our mood. Some studies have shown that the Mediterranean Diet in particular can lead to a more positive mindset, probably due to healthy fats, quality protein, and plenty of vegetables.

Eating healthier can definitely have a positive outcome. You’ll never feel guilty after finishing a healthy meal. You’re also less like to feel “weighed down” or sluggish as you would after eating highly processed foods. Other ways to utilize food to improve happiness could include cooking your favorite meal or eating with loved ones. Never discount how much diet can improve your day to day life.

Get Outside

You probably spend most of your day indoors and online. However, science tells us that spending more time in nature makes us happier. Studies have shown that less than 20 minutes in nature can reduce stress. Others have shown a positive improvement in mood, attention, and even kindness, after spending time outdoors.

If you can’t change the fact that you work in an office all day, you can impact your mood by making an effort to get outside more. Get up a little earlier, get outside in the sun and walk around in the grass barefoot. Go for a walk in the evening, leaving your phone at home. Spend your weekend hiking, or even just reading a book along the river. Whatever you can do to increase your time outdoors will give you the mood boost you’re craving.


Breathwork is one of my favorite ways to pause my day and focus- but it’s also great to hone in on happiness. There are many techniques you can follow to focus on your breath, but the one I find most simple is box breathing. WIth this method, you simply inhale slowly, hold the air in your lungs, exhale again, and finally hold your lungs empty- each to a count of four. You can repeat this process as many times as you want.

Focusing in on your breath can relieve stress and create a calm, relaxed mindset. it’s also a quick and easy technique you can do anywhere at any time of day when you find yourself needing a mood boost. Give it a try!

Random Acts of Kindness

Practicing random acts of kindness not only makes you feel good, but it helps out someone else. It’s been shown that practicing kindness can cause an increase in oxytocin, otherwise known as the “love hormone.” This leads to lower blood pressure, improve overall heart health, increase self-esteem and optimism. Acts of kindness can also lead to less depression and an increase of self-worth. Acts of kindness, no matter how small, have an imense impact on the person performing them, as well as the person receiving them. You can increase your own happiness while positivily impacting your little corner of the world!


We smile when we’re happy. However, it’s been shown that the reverse is true and we create happiness when we smile. Smiling releases hormones including dopamine and serotonin, which increase our feelings of happiness and reduce stress. And even if you’re not feeling it, research suggests that evena fake smile can trick our minds into feeling happier. So turn that smile upside down, and give yourself something to be happy about today!








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