Superfood Salad

I’m not a fan of the term “Superfood”- it makes it feel like if you made kale chips and posted about it on Facebook, you’re suddenly going to be thin and beautiful. That’s a lovely dream, it gets you the attention you need at the moment, but it doesn’t make you healthy. Superfoods, defined by Merriam-Webster as “a food (such as salmon, broccoli, or blueberries) that is rich in compounds (such as antioxidants, fiber, or fatty acids) considered beneficial to a person's health” are fantastic, provided they are eaten as part of a nutrient dense diet that supports You and Your Health goals & needs. However, this Salad is Super- and it also contains Food.

Many of the foods in this Salad are nutrient dense, provide a boatload of vitamins and added all together, make a pretty fantastic tasting salad. It’s full of leafy, green cruciferous veggies, fresh berries, and is coated in a vibrant herb dressing. You could also easily add chicken or fish to the Salad to make it a full meal. Either way, I think you’ll make this recipe on repeat!

Superfood Salad

Makes Approximately 10 Servings.



1 C Lacinato Kale, torn or chopped into bite-sized pieces

1 C Brussels Sprouts, shredded thin

1 C Quinoa, cooked (I prefer Sprouted, which you can find here)

1 Pint Fresh Blueberries

1 C Slivered Almonds


1/2 C Olive Oil

2 tsp Fresh Ginger, grated

1 1/2 Tbl Lemon Juice

2 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar

2 Tbl Fresh Parsley, chopped

2 Tbl Fresh Basil, chopped

1/4 tsp Ground Turmeric

Salt & Pepper


Place all of the Salad Ingredients into a large bowl. Mix until combined and set aside.

Prepare the Salad Dressing by placing all Ingredients into measuring cup or small jar. Mix well to combine.

Pour the Dressing Over the Salad and mix together until coated well.



  • You can use any type of kale in this Salad. Lacinato is my favorite, but feel free to use whatever you have.

  • Many stores sell Brussels already shredded. A short cut I love!

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