Five Tips For Holiday Solo Travel
The past few years I’ve spent the Christmas Holidays traveling solo. To some it may seem odd, or lonely- I mean, isn’t that the time you’re supposed to spend surrounded by family & friends? But I never understood why people wait for a special occasion or holiday to spend time with those they love. I realize that sometimes the holidays are the easiest time for people to travel due to time off from work, but sometimes that can add to the stress of the season.
There are many reasons people choose to spend the holidays solo. Some don’t actually have family to visit. Holiday travel can also be costly, and it may be prohibitive to visit relatives who don’t live nearby. And maybe some just want a quiet, simple holiday season without all the presents and eating to excess.
One thing to remember about solo travel is that while you may be solo, you’re never really alone. Solo travel is a great way to meet new people & spend some time doing things you love, without having to cater to a travel buddy or partner.
If you need some ideas on how to solo travel during the Holidays, check out these tips:
Book a Tour
Booking a tour is a great way to experience a city without being alone. There are many different types of tours you can join. A local walking tour, a food tour, or even a holiday specific tour. In a tour group, you may also meet new friends to spend time with later in your trip.
Treat Yourself
It’s the holidays! While you may not be showered with presents when you’re on a solo trip, you can treat yourself. Plan a spa day. Take yourself out to a nice dinner. Go shopping at a Christmas market, and buy yourself something unique to remember your experience.
Sign up for an Event or Activity
I recently spent New Year’s Eve solo, and didn’t particulary want to hang out at a crowded bar all night. I had a busy New Year’s day planned, so being out all night drinking didn’t really appeal to me. As luck would have it, I found a local midnight run while seartching on-line. This was the perfect activitiy to ring in the New Year, meet other runners, and avoid the typical New Year’s scene. If running isn’t your thing, look into local activities & events, and maybe even check something off your bucket list!
Say Hello!
During the holidays, you’re likely to encounter a larger number of people- both locals and tourists alike- out and about enjoying the festivities. As you’re experiencing local traditions, standing in line for a show or event, or sitting at the hotel bar, take the opportunity to smile and say hello to people around you. Most people are more than happy to have a conversation, share insider advice on local traditions and hot spots, or perhaps even share a meal one evening. As I mentioned earlier, you may be traveling solo, but you’re never really alone.
Enjoy Your Time!
If you’ve got an extended period of time off work during the holiday season, solo travel can help you recharge and relax before the new year ramps back up again. Perhaps you’ve got to use up your Vacation Time because you haven’t had time to use it during the year. The number of people who forfeit vacation time they’ve earned at work is staggering. So if this is the time you’ve chosen to catch up and use it, make it worth while and RELAX! One of the great benefits of solo travel is being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want- and sometimes that can mean doing nothing at all!
Have you traveled solo during the Holidays? What did you enjoy most about it? Let me know in the comments!
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