Things the Pandemic Taught Me
Street Art reminded us of our strength.
Everyone is giving you their two cents on what they learned over this past year of the pandemic. So here’s mine. Read on for a few things I’ve learned, changed, and plan to keep moving forward.
Florists decorated Rittenhouse Square with flowers from cancelled events.
Live in the Moment
There’s nothing more unsettling than uncertainty. And we’ve been living it for the past year. We were initially told we’d have to stay home for 2 weeks- I think most of us with any common sense knew that it would be longer, but a year seemed impossible.
The Spring of 2020 brought a lot of uncertainty for me in my personal & professional life, and Covid on top of that only made things more uncertain and confusing. Luckily, I’ve learned how to go with the flow, and it helped me through those first few weeks of pure chaos. Once it became clear that this was going to last longer than expected, I knew that I needed to find a way to cope without causing myself additional stress. I needed my home, my day, and my mind focused on the present because that’s all we really have.
I saw so many people talking about where they should be, or where they couldn’t be. No one seemed to be focused on what really mattered- where they actually were. I found myself wondering if they were just not happy in their life, or if they just didn’t know how really be present in their lives. Either way, it wasn’t for me. I did a lot of muting and unfollowing because I knew I wanted to focus on who & what was in front of me at that moment. The rest I can figure out later, if that’s what is needed. We’re not promised anything, not the rest of today, and certainly not tomorrow. And living in the past never makes today better.
Learning to be more present was one of the greatest gifts this pandemic taught me, and it’s most definitely something I plan on continuing. Don’t worry about the past, you can’t change it. Worrying about the future isn’t productive. (Please note, I don’t mean planning for the future, or putting in the work to reach your goals. Just don’t let your mind create lies and scenarios that don’t exist.) Live each day grateful that it was given to you- we never know if there will be another.
Some Friends Matter, Some Don’t
I’ve made many changes- location changes, attitude changes, boundaries with people in my life. It doesn’t always sit well with people, but I know that someone else’s comfort with how I live my life is not my concern.
When the pandemic hit, and virtual happy hours weren’t yet annoying and tiresome, they helped reconnect me with many friends I haven’t seen in years. I realized what good friends I have in my life, and look forward to seeing them again soon.
It also became apparent that some people just don’t have the capacity to care about anyone but themselves. I honestly feel sad to see people I’ve known for years go down the rabbit hole of hate and fear. They have families, kids graduating from high school, adorable pets, good jobs, yet all I ever see from them are angry posts & hateful political memes. I feel bad for the people in their life, and hope they find love elsewhere.
Don’t hold on to people who don’t deserve it. Set boundaries, and keep them. Say goodbye if you need to. Life is too short to be a part of someone else’s narrow-minded path of misery.
Walking is the Greatest form of Transportation
I sold my car the Fall before the pandemic. I didn’t drive, it was sitting on the street, and parking in the city is a hassle. It was the right move. But when the subway shut down, and Ubers weren’t really an option, I found myself walking. Everywhere.
Walking is my favorite form of transportation.And over the months I had not much else to do, I walked everywhere. I found many hidden treasures in my neighborhood, and beyond. I found my weekly walks to the grocery store to be therapeutic and fun. I went on art hunts when I saw new street art had been put up around the city. Now that things are slowly normalizing, I’m still trying to use my two feet to get where I need to go, and I love it.A Little Goes a Long Way
Most of us have too much stuff. And most of us do too much. So many people are excessive in every aspect of life, and it makes me wonder how you actually enjoy any of it.
This past year, I’ve realized that I don’t need to go out to eat as much as I did, and when I do, I am more conscious of what places I want to patronize- do they use local suppliers, do they have sustainable practices when it comes to packaging and waste, do they give back to the community?
One thing I’m constantly “cleaning out” is stuff that is one use. I bought a bunch more reusable silicone containers (my favorite are these), I’ve cleaned up my bathroom with things like reusable makeup remover pads, and fell in love with solid lotion bars. My amazing friend even made me reusable paper towels for Christmas! I make it a point to buy as much as possible from locals shops. The pandemic made it clear that small businesses are important to the communities we live in. I plan on supporting them and their efforts as much as I can.
A Little Goes a Long Way
Finally, I have been cooking up a storm this past year. I can’t say I’ve ever been a great cook. I cook because I like to know what’s in my food. I used to blog a few recipes here and there, but really hadn’t kept up with it because I’d been traveling so much. All this time at home helped me rediscover my love of creating recipes, and made me better at many things (except my knife skills, they’re still shit- I mean “rustic”).
Sharing my recipes is a fun way for me to show how simple cooking & eating healthy can be- if I can do it, so can you! It was a thrill to see friends making my recipes and loving them. A few of the most popular are my Mediterranean Meatballs (often made into burgers) and my Banana Walnut Baked Oatmeal. I’m looking forward to Summer to see what lovely produce comes my way, and what I can do with it!
I’m hopeful for the future as more and more of us get vaccinated. I’m grateful for the science that will get us there. I’m looking forward to concerts, parties, and festivals. And I’m lucky enough to have amazing people in my life to share them with.
What did you learn from the pandemic, & what are you going to continue doing as things open back up? Let me know in the comments!
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